IXDF402 drivers
(ixdx402) 2 ampere dual low-side ultrafast mosfet drivers.(ixdx402) 2 ampere dual low-side ultrafast mosfet drivers.
* Built using the advantages and compatibility of CMOS and IXYS HDMOSTM processes
* Latch-Up Protected Over Entire Operating Range
* High Peak Output Current:.
* Driving MOSFETs and IGBTs Motor Controls Line Drivers Pulse Genera.
The IXDN402/IXDI402/IXDF402 consists of two 2 Amp CMOS high speed MOSFET drivers. Each output can source and sink 2A of peak current while producing voltage rise and fall times of less than 15ns to drive the latest IXYS MOSFETs & IGBTs. The input of .
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